Prerequisites - dental assisting program

 Requirements for Dental Assisting Applicants: 

You must:

  1. Have a High School Diploma or GED before entering the Dental Assisting program. This is required per the Dental Board of California.
  2. Be 18 years of age by the time the program starts in the Fall.
  3. Have left your former institution in good standing with a minimum 2.0 GPA. 

​​​​​​​*Please be sure your transcripts from high school (if that's the last school attended) are on file with Admissions & Records.​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​*If you are an SRJC student and not in good academic standing at the time of application (minimum 2.0 GPA), please meet with a Health Science Counselor to see what would be required to be in good standing. Call (707) 527-4451 (Santa Rosa) or (707) 778-3914 (Petaluma) to speak with a Counselor. If you are a transfer student, not in good standing at your former institution, please contact that school to see how to improve that.

The following courses are highly recommended for SRJC success: 

CSKLS 334 and COUN 60


College Skills 334:
Introduces the basic knowledge and skills needed to take an online class. Course includes computer operations and terminology, online class components, email applications, time management, and ways to communicate online with students and instructors. Students must participate in a one-hour face-to-face orientation, usually the first day of class, or show evidence that they have viewed the available video orientation prior to beginning coursework.



Counseling 60: Effective Study Workshop
This course is designed to assist students in improving their study skills. Topics include goal identification, organizing study habits, how to read and study textbooks, take effective notes, how to prepare for and take examinations, and the efficient use of the library. Course covers the total development of the individual and attitudes toward academic and personal problem solving.